The Power Of Dhikr

Recite Short Surahs Of Quran And Get A Plenty Of Sawaab
Here are some short surahs of Quran from Part 30 which can help you make a plenty of Sawaabs. Lets read below mentioned surahs from Quran:

Surah At Takaathur: Once you recite Surah Alhakumuttakasur you will get thawaab of reciting 1000 Ayahs of Quran.

Surah Al Kaafiroon: Once you recite Surah Al-Kaafiroon you will get thawaab of reciting one-fourth (¼th) of the whole Quran. You should also recite this surah when you're just about to sleep.

Surah Ikhlaas: Once you recite Surah Ikhlaas you will get thawaab of reciting one-third (⅓rd) of the whole Quran. If you recite this surah 10 times, ALLAH makes a palace in Jannah (Paradise).

Surah Nasr: Once you recite Surah Nasr (Surah Iza Jaa2) you will get thawaab of reciting one-fourth (¼th) of the whole Quran.

Please Copy this and Share it as much as you can in order to get Thawaab of Sadqa-e-Jaariah.

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